Here you will find useful information about the Cargo offer

  • We would like to inform that from Wednesday, 29th of March Port of Ystad will change system at the gate for the trucks and trailers entrance.

    For the moment the all drivers need to press their ticket number in the box outside and from 29th of March barcodes printed on our ticket start to be use. After scanning of this barcode the gate opens automatically. Similar to the ones that are used in port of Trelleborg. Below you can find a ticket example.

    The drivers picking up or dropping off trailers don´t have to wait in the same line as the trucks to go inside the port anymore. There is a separate line for the trailers from 29th of March. This is to the left in the check in area. There will be signs were to drive. In this box it is still the same system. They use the Tin numbers like before.

    We hope this will be easier and faster for the drivers to enter the port.

    Please inform your drivers about this change. We will inform them when they get the ticket as well.

    To download

  • Documents required to issue a cargo ticket:

    • cargo documentation (CMR/Dangerous Goods Declaration, if such is being transported)
    • stowage declaration
    • proof of identification of the driver(s) (national identity card or passport)
  • Drivers are not allowed to carry pets on our ferries.